Friday, August 20, 2010


This had to be done in a hurry because until today I thought I'd be going in early next week, at 6:30 tonight the hospital called and asked me to be there at 10am tomorrow!

Pre-Admission Shopping List

  • Ear Plugs in-case I am put in one of the rooms near the nurses station or one of the rooms near the main road.

  • New earphones, the apple ones are too big for my ears and constantly fall out and my awesome koss ones got damaged from me sleeping with them on last time I was in hospital.

  • New summer pyjamas in-case I am in one of the nice new rooms with the rock hard beds and the central heating which doesn’t get turned down at night.

  • A big knife to defend my-self from the mean en-suite heater hog in the room next door, who wants to kill me in my sleep, (Refer to 22/6/10 post The New, New Room) this will need to be carefully concealed to get past the admission bag check, any smuggling tips would be greatly appreciated.

  • New winter pyjamas and slippers, these were bought for me last time and they are far too bright, pink slippers and bright blue pyjamas – yuk!

  • Tea and coffee bags, they have bad tea and only instant coffee, but there’s a great cafe only a short walk away.

  • Something to make my room smell pleasant.

  • An invisibility and muting collar for Lester so he can come with me.

  • Hand soap, you’d think being a hospital and all they’d be pro clean hands, but no. Provide your own soap or it’s gastro for you my lovelies.

  • Chocolate, just a little bit, they feed us far too much in there.

  • Audio books, don’t have the brain power to remember anything I read so hopefully these will help me not rot my mind with movies and television

  • And after that last comment about rotting my mind... A handful of weekly movie rentals


  1. All the best K. Pray that it will be quick and that you will be able to rest and recuperate. oxox

  2. Thanks Beck, hope you're both well.
