Sunday, June 26, 2011

We Are All Planning Your Torture

Wow! I know a number of people with BPD including (probably) myself; I don't think any of us are capable, let alone inclined to torturing people. I hope the combination of exhaustion and feeling really shitty has made me misread this article; if not you'd better stay away, I might cut off 1cm of your body every minute starting from the toes, deep fry them and make you eat it as you bleed to death.

I just found the beginnings of a blog post I wrote on Thursday, I forgot I’d written it, but it’s rather funny so I have to share it with you – I have not edited it, I really was this drugged!

I seen in double after taking epilm, I find it best to shut the left eye and put my trust in mr right
I”m very drugged at the moment, can’t sacta;;u see kneybosrd. The sort ofg mood where  would dwell in my furtue,, bieh the fantasy one and the one hsih will probblyt ha[[en. I ant  to diw”


  1. I think you must have misread this article. In many ways, this article describes you to a T, and whenever someone disagrees with you on this blog you delete their comments. The little empathy you have ever expressed for someone else is directly related to your discomfort and not theirs. The fact that you expect the world to stop and pay attention to you when you are having a bad day, regardless of what other people need, is an example of your lack of empathy. You will probably delete this comment because it goes against what you want to hear, and you mostly like will feel a strong dislike of me. Just saying!

  2. I'm quite sure I did misread the article, my mind is clear as mud at the moment, but I am certainly not lacking in empathy. You should be able to find a couple of posts about refugees, various social issues and animal abuse on here - though I think some I only put on facebook; and believe it or not I don't post my every thought. Once upon a time I was sure God wanted me as a missionary - I don't know what type, I was only 17 at the time; but recently that has been creeping back into my thoughts. As I've been in my very well heated house on these cold, windy nights thinking about those in Melbourne, the rest of Australia and the whole world who lack even basic shelter my heart has been heavy. I stumbled upon an article about this organisation a few days ago and it was a challenge not to give then all my money, that very idea has been on my mind for some time - as a temporary solution of course, a swag is not a home! I'd like to do something about all the shittyness in the world and I don't think being sick and having limited resources excuses me from that.

  3. As someone with severe BPD, I must say that this article angered me initially - calling BPDs and ASPDs evil is I think naive for someone who should be an expert in the field. Then I realised that to a certain degree, what he said is true. I know that my illness has, at times, made me cruel to those around me and I have lacked empathy. But to call me evil for this is, I believe taking it too far. Like K, I believe that BPDs are capable of having extreme empathy - I too donate far more of my income than I can afford to World Vision and other charities because I have seen first hand in Africa the work that they do, I have played with children orphaned by aids and cooked at a home for street children that have been raped and sexually abused. Tell me I'm evil, I dare you. B
