Wednesday, January 12, 2011

We'll Help You When You're Better

Today I saw who I thought was my new psychiatrist, I had been looking forward to the appointment thinking it would be the start of getting better. I was wrong, he isn’t taking new patients and it seems my GP referred me to him only for a review, not ongoing treatment. It was a thoroughly useless appointment, after an hour and fifteen minutes I left with the advice to keep taking the medications I’m on, try and get myself into DBT at the Melbourne Clinic, then, once I’m no longer suicidal and struggling with self harm try and get another psychiatrist to see me. I understand his logic, he said that sometimes it is worse for a patient to have lots of medical contact because it reconfirms the idea that they are sick and then they start acting out their diagnosis more. He thinks it is better for me to deal with it myself and get on with life, I wish it was that easy. Basically it’s up to me, I have to decide to get better or get a move on and kill myself. Do any of you have a magic ‘get better now’ potion?

1 comment:

  1. Shit. I mean I get it, but shit. Self harm and suicide are symptoms of boderline. If you take away the symptoms of the boderline, what will be the point in seeing the doctor after that? Come and see me when you're better. Love the mental health system we have in this country.
