Thursday, August 29, 2013

Admission # 4543986

Here I am in hospital again; I arrived on Saturday following three days of panicked medical practitioners and a visit from the CAT team (really it should just be CAT, because the T stands for team, but it sounds incomplete without adding team on the end). I am very fortunate to be here, after the incident in my last private admission I should be black-listed, but they agreed to take me on the condition that I have no leave - which I am fine with as I don’t trust myself out and about anyway. Precipitating my admission was an overwhelming sense of hopelessness, which is still present, a very detailed and certain to work suicide plan and severe social phobia. The suicide plan still exists, the only reason I’m not bent on carrying it out is that my mother has already lost her husband this year, and perhaps losing her daughter so soon would be unpleasant. I can’t win with the social phobia, I get extremely lonely, but the idea of being around people is terrifying. One-on-ones are fine, but only my mother has been to visit. The dining room is hard, so many people talking at once, and I can’t always get a table to myself. Unlike Vic Clinic – which I’m now banned from – this hospital is mostly private rooms, and they’re quite nice, so staying in my room is not the grim experience it is at Vic Clinic.

Medication-wise; I’m withdrawing from Zoloft, which sucks; re-introduced to Valium, which takes the edge off the terror of venturing into the dining room and therapy groups. My psychiatrist hasn’t yet decided whether to start me on a new anti-depressant or to see how I go without, since historically they tend to make me worse, but do improve my anxiety. ECT is unlikely because of the damage it has inflicted on my memory, I’m willing to have it though because I figure the damage is done, so why not ruin it some more. (Plus I really like the anesthetic).

That’s all for this update.

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