I like a good read and I hope to read something of interest when I go to The Age’s website several times each day; increasingly I am finding myself dissatisfied. It doesn’t matter so much at the moment, since I have the attention span of an infant and can’t follow an article, but there are fewer and fewer articles I can even be bothered clicking the link to open. Below this post you will find screen captures from the sites of three major papers, plus Crikey, a news site I also read. If I were to rate these sites from the screen captures for tackiness and hype (and therefore lower interest from me) they would come in as such: 1st place: As expected the Herald Sun for their football banner and ‘pig in heat’ headline. 2nd place: I am sad to give this place to The Age for still going on about those spies, for the Chaouk story (it seems like the people involved are begging for attention) and of course all the celebrity crap. 3rd place: The Australian, not too much hype there, there often isn’t.
Despite these results I just can’t seem to make the switch from The Age that I know I should. I’m not sure where to place Crikey on this scale, based purely off the screen capture it would have to sit between The Age and The Australian, but I prefer Crikey to The Australian since they are not owned by a major corporation and so can provide links to any site worldwide that has interesting, good or even especially bad/laughable articles. Crikey also host some great blogs, some of which I frequent. This is starting to sound like an ad for Crikey, it isn’t meant to... Months ago I proclaimed on facebook that I’d had it with The Age and was going to source my news purely from Crikey and The Guardian (I’d already decided that The Australian isn’t for me). I promptly removed my bookmark for The Age and stuck to my resolve for one day, if that. The problem is that Crikey only does one major update per day (I think) and The Guardian is also a little too fluffy, plus it’s hardly useful for local news. So then that takes me back to the question why the hell don’t I read The Australian????? News corp, that’s why. Who can suggest a solution?
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