Monday, February 28, 2011


You know the whole two’s company three’s a crowd thing? That has always rung true for me. I do well catching up with one friend; as soon as a second person appears I fade into the background. Occasionally I say or do something a little weird which will start a very short conversation in which I participate. I then return to quiet contemplation, staring at clouds or trees if outdoors, pretending to be completely consumed by something else if indoors. Right now L has a friend over, friend is lovely, we’ve talked a bit, but even if she was also my friend I would still be cowering in the corner (literally at the moment, corner couch, very comfy). I’m not sure if it’s a borderline thing or just a K-is-stupid thing, but I just can’t converse in a group. In a bigger group it’s a little better because then I can find one person to talk to for a while, but the larger crowd is hard to deal with – people are scary. How are you meant to talk to two or more people at the same time? I don’t get it. I can perform solo to a few hundred people at a time, but they don’t get to talk, it’s just me, and that’s how I like it. Often (or rarely, as it doesn’t actually happen much) when I am in a group and feel I have something to say it takes on more of a performance feel, I have everyone’s attention, if I ask a question I expect a short answer which will give me a little more fuel for my tirade, it may become a debate, I’ll probably win, and regardless of the outcome that will be the last of my speech for the night.

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