Here's a little description of MST for those of you interested.
Magnetic Seizure Therapy (MST), like ECT, involves the induction of a seizure for therapeutic purposes. The major difference, however, is that in MST the seizure is induced using magnetic stimulation rather than the electrical current that is used in ECT. Magnetic fields are able to pass freely into the brain, making it possible to produce a very focused seizure in a specific area. The widespread nature of the seizures produced by ECT is thought to be responsible for the memory loss that people report following ECT. Therefore, by avoiding the use of direct electrical current and inducing a focal seizure, it is thought that MST will be able to improve depressive symptoms without the memory loss seen in ECT.
MST is a medical procedure performed by doctors. It involves having a general anaesthetic and a muscle relaxant. The brain is then stimulated with a controlled series of magnetic pulses using a coil that is placed at a precise location on the head. The magnetic pulses cause a seizure in the brain which will last up to two minutes. Because of the muscle relaxants and the anaesthetic, patients do not convulse or ‘fit’ and do not feel any pain. Patients wake up five to ten minutes following the procedure.
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