Some clarification for my dear readers; I didn’t want to go into the details on here until I’d spoken to a couple of friends in person. On Friday I took too much oxazepam, and made three cuts on my wrist, one hitting a vein, I passed out in the hospital waiting room and woke up eight hours later in ED. On Monday I cut my wrist again, opening the same vein, it bled a lot more and scared the crap out of me (I think that’s a good thing) but I worry that I’ll do it again because it didn’t hurt at all and it bled so fast. My GP asked me to start taking Lovan again; I’m currently on the lowest dose – that won’t last. I have to throw away the rest of my sedatives, I almost took the rest tonight but resisted because I’ll lose my friends, I hate being a woman, stupid hormones are responsible for tonight’s mood.
A note for random internet folk who comment on the blog, don’t leave your initial because I’ll think you are trying to make yourself known to me, but not everyone else, then when you leave a nasty comment I’ll think my friends with that initial are responsible – it gets messy.
I'm really sorry to hear that things were that bad for you that you felt you needed to do that. I hope and pray that you get a psychiatrist and a psychologist soon so that you can get the support you need to begin to heal. I know this sounds a bit rich coming from me, but keep on going like this and one of these days you're not going to be ok. B
ReplyDeleteI know it doesn't sound like it, but I am trying, it's bloody hard - as you know. I got some good news re psychologist about 10 minutes ago.
ReplyDeleteI have absolutely no doubt that you are trying, I'm sorry if that's the message my comment conveyed as it was certainly not my intent. That's great re: psychologist - I'm assuming he/she is taking you on? B
ReplyDeleteWait, that read wrong (ECT this morning, brain fucked) - let me try again:
ReplyDeleteI have absolutely no doubt that you are trying, I'm sorry if the message my comment conveyed is that you weren't as that was certainly not my intent. That's great re: psychologist - I'm assuming he/she is taking you on? B