Monday, May 16, 2011

Day Four A

I might have been wrong about the no side effect bit... I just got back from small group, where I was horrible to anyone who opened their mouth; I usually have differing opinions, but tonight I was out for blood and looking for things to argue with. I also had a strong urge to bite chunks off my body a few hours ago – I didn’t, but I really wanted to. Below are the official side effects I think I relate to, it’s about half of the full list – I haven’t included the other half, so yeah, I think I was a little bit wrong but I still think it’s going well. Aggression, anxiety, balance issues , blurred vision, depersonalization, dizziness, electric shock sensations, fatigue, flu-like symptoms, hostility, highly emotional, irritability, jumpy nerves, lack of coordination, lethargy, migraine headaches / increased headaches, nervousness, severe internal restlessness (akathasia, tremors, troubling thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Give itvsix weeks and you'll bevfine. Congratulations, you're doing great. Don't beat yourself up or judge yourself too harshly for having a range of human emotions -- it's normal.
