Normally I do about three proof reads to try and get my punctuation somewhere near right, I can’t be bothered today so forgive me and try your best to understand the following:
I moved into a nice new room yesterday, it is much bigger than the crusty old room I had, I don’t have to share my en-suite anymore and the decor is modern but nice. The down side (there is always at least one) is that my neighbour snores terribly loud. I can hear him clearly through the walls - and they’re solid, not just plasterboard – he sleeps a lot during the day, not just at night and when he’s awake he watches television at a high volume. The pros still outweigh the cons because I have ear plugs and can play music to drown out the television.
Today is the first day that I haven’t felt completely terrible; maybe my new drug cocktail is starting to take effect. Until now all I’ve felt from the increased drugs is tiredness and a touch of dizziness – not unsurprising when you’re changing your brain chemistry. An old friend came to visit today, it was great to see her. Three of my five visitors (excluding family) have driven a long way to see me, I am grateful. I don’t have a discharge date yet, I don’t see it being too soon as the reason for admission hasn’t been resolved, drugs alone can’t do that.
My neighbour just turned on the TV, I’m trying not to hate him.
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