I'll be moving to a private room in the morning. For now I have to put up with my roommate who sleeps with the TV on, snores and wakes up every 20ish minutes for a horrible coughing fit. I've just had my dressing gown belt taken off me as a nurse walked in to find me making a noose out of it. I was just about to give up trying and google noose making instructions as my efforts were quite poor. I've taken all the medication I'm written up for and I'm wide awake with a head ache and obviously, by the noose making - suicidal feelings. I wish I had access to a gun or a shitload of seroquel, they're the best two exit methods in my opinion. My seroquel overdose wasn't quite big enough to kill me but came close and the falling asleep part was fine, just waking wasn't too nice and that wouldn't be a problem with a big enough dose.
The head of nursing just came to talk to me. I now have to spend the night in the lounge which is just in front of the nurses station, thankfully there are no beds in ICU. I would refuse to go back there if there were.
I'm sorry you're doing so crap, K. :-( CM