Monday, April 23, 2012


I'm still here, I won't be getting discharged tomorrow as I've taken a turn for the worse. My mood is so low I don't even have it in me to watch shows on my laptop. I watched one episode of Futurama today and spent the rest of the time staring at the walls or with my eyes shut. My dr wants to wait until Sunday before deciding our next step which will either be Reboxetine - a NaRI drug which according to the internet doesn't work - or ECT. My dr is concerned about ECT because of the risk of memory loss, but he said if I just get to the stage where I can't stand being suicidally depressed anymore and I want a quick fix he'll let me do it.

I could be here a few more weeks, I have the choice to leave whenever I like, but I don't feel safe enough to be at home, it's hard enough staying safe in here. So... visitors would be lovely. I had plenty of visitors to start with, but now it's really just my parents coming - a friend came yesterday, which was lovely but I want more!!!

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