Sunday, February 11, 2018

No Deadly Lamictal Rash Yet

This is what it is currently taking to keep me alive and kicking – well forget the kicking, it’s more of a dawdle between necessary places.

5mg Neulactil
250mg Nuvigil
Currently 50mg Lamictal – dose is being raised a bit every 10 days
2000IU Vitamin D
2 puffs Seretide 500/50

10mg Neulactil

900mg Lithium
200mg Seroquel
10mg Neulactil
15mg Imovane
2 puffs Seretide 500/50

PRN (when needed):
2mg Xanax
200mg Seroquel
2mg Lorazepam

I’m in hospital at the moment, it’s been 12 days. I’m planning to discharge on Tuesday as I’m getting nowhere and I don’t see how my current state of mind will be any different depending on my location. I can sedate myself more at home, so that’s a bonus. I came in because my anxiety was crippling, it’s still bad but I think I can cope. My mood is low as always, the Lamictal is supposed to help that once I’m up to treatment dose. If the Lamictal fails I’ll be put on an antidepressant I haven’t previously been on – the list is growing short.

I can’t explain in words how over all this I am.