Hi there.
If you're looking for newer posts, they can be found at onereclusivegirl.worpress.com
I was having some issues with Blogger and my housemate, R whipped up a nice spot on Wordpress for me.
Monday, June 18, 2018
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Fear of Sexual Assault
Fear accompanied me throughout my childhood and youth, that’s what you get for being stupid enough to allow yourself to be born to an alcoholic father. The trauma is different to the fear experienced at the time, but still present.
Yesterday for a few minutes I experienced a different type of fear, one which, sadly, most women will encounter at some point in their lives.
I had my appointment with the researchers for the drug trial, it lasted three hours and I returned to my car around 5:30 – I had parked some distance away and had to jump on a tram (two if I’m going to be specific) to get back to my car. I alighted the tram along with a man in his 20s, I thought nothing of him, he was walking ahead of me but then he turned down the side street leading to my carpark and took a piss on a dumpster. I was suspicious of how short his piss was, it seemed like he just wanted to get behind me. So then I’m walking down a long, narrow driveway with a man behind me who I know is not above getting his dick out in public. To ensure I was being paranoid and he wasn’t really following me I moved my path from walking behind the cars to the actual painted walkway a few meters behind the cars. At the same moment so did he. At this stage I thought all I could do was to keep looking behind me so he knew I had seen his face and he wouldn’t get away with doing anything without being identified.
I’ve never imagined myself as a potential victim of sexual assault because of my appearance, but I guess it’s not really about that is it, it’s about the perpetrator expressing his power over his victim. I’ve got some fight in me, but I would have lost hands down to this man. I was ever so grateful when he turned to enter the building and I continued to the back of the car park.
By no means am I scared of men, but this felt like it could have gone very badly.
Saturday, May 19, 2018
Guinea Pig
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Girl with her spirit animal |
On Monday I have an assessment for a drug trial. I've already seen the professor heading it up and I meet the criteria, there are just 2-3 hours of tests to do. It's a trial for people with BPD, but very kindly the professor and research team use the term Complex Trauma Disorder; I appreciate this because it better defines the condition and separates it from the stigma attached to BPD. The drug is called Memantine, it's currently used in Alzheimer's patients but there's reason to believe it could be helpful in trauma cases. I may get the real drug or I may get the placebo, it's a double blind trial so the researchers won't know either. At the end I will have the option of being prescribed the real drug regardless of whether I was on it or the placebo. You may wonder how the trial benefits me and why I don't just ask my psychiatrist to prescribe it, I will tell you. First of all being in a trial isn't just about benefiting yourself, you're contributing to research which has the potential to help everyone with your diagnosis and beyond. Then there's the intense monitoring you're under for the duration (12 weeks on the drug plus some assessments prior) which will pick up on side effects and intolerances before I would normally click that there's something wrong; this will allow me afterwards to take the drug knowingly, even if I've been on the placebo I'll have information from the researchers about how other patients have tolerated it, what kind of benefits to expect and what could go wrong. Memantine works on a different chemical in the brain to your typical antidepressants, the thinking behind using this drug is because that chemical (cortisol) is disturbed in people who have experienced trauma in their youth, an antidepressant or antipsychotic won't address this.
I'll write another post in a day or two, I have more to write but I'd like to keep this post about the trial.
Friday, May 4, 2018
Four Years Hasn't Changed Much
I've been out of hospital since Tuesday, I was there for two and a half weeks due to intense suicidal urges. I don't feel like giving a full update right now but I thought I'd share something old. ...
The following was written during a life writing class I took as part of my (unfinished) Masters in Writing and Literature. I stumbled upon it tonight whilst going through my hard drive and thought I'd let it see the light of day.
Senselessness always leaves marks; we’ve all done stupid things that will not be forgotten, not because we can’t purge them from our minds, but rather because we can’t eliminate the evidence. It may be weeks between the forced recollections, maybe just hours it depends where I look whilst on the toilet. It’s not a problem in the shower or getting dressed, I don’t study my body at those times, just get the task at hand over with. But I can’t help but gaze around me, and occasionally at me, while I urinate and defecate. I’m sitting there in a tiny white room with a frosted glass window, a wooden cat shaped toilet roll holder and an out-dated Astor poster to entertain me. Then I glance down at my right thigh and remember that I used to cut it, not a big deal since it’s only been 8 weeks since I last sliced my arm open, but I haven’t cut my leg for months and I forget that I ever did. I feel that my bloodlust is confined to my left arm, but it’s not. The occasional thigh glances remind me of the gash on my torso, the one that I really should have had stitched but let steri-strips suffice. They remind me of the Bolte Bridge incident, the many over-doses, though they are very blotchy memories, also the building incident, the knives, the banning from hospitals. A cascade of memories from a few lines that are usually covered. The fire on that thigh is out, but the smoke remains.
Friday, March 23, 2018
Lamictal: Lemon Flavoured Hell
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Girl hates Lamictal |
Two posts ago I shared about my slowly increasing Lamictal dose. I reached 200mg and started to feel a little better emotionally but dreading taking it every morning as the tablets are dissolvable and the second they touch your tongue you’re attacked by what I can best describe as out-of-date lemon sherbet (I don’t think sherbet goes off though). Two weeks ago the jump was made from 200-300mg and the same day I started feeling very nauseous, the next day I spent six hours in Emergency due to a Stephens Johnson scare. I had a few symptoms which I wasn’t worried by but because I was very uncomfortable I called Nurse on Call and she called a paramedic who called Poisons Hotline who then called back the paramedic and insisted I go into Emergency. It resulted in nothing but some painkillers and one tablet which had a very long name I can’t recall.
So that was last Sunday. I continued taking the 300mg dose and being able to eat next to nothing until last Wednesday when the taste got the better of me and I threw it up the moment I swallowed it. I had an appointment with my psychiatrist that day, he encouraged me to keep going with it and see if the nausea went away. Next day I threw up the tablet again and decided to give up on it. Even if my mood was better I couldn’t continue feeling constantly sick and I could no longer swallow the bloody things anyway. It took until this Monday for the nausea to go away and now I can eat a full meal. Dropped a bit of weight though.
I’m still off Seroquel and I can feel feelings, I think I like it but it’s scary. At the moment I’m not on an antidepressant and I feel okay, it’s the anxiety causing most of the problems. I am however on an antipsychotic and a mood stabiliser. I’m interested to see the direction things take in coming months. An interesting start point is that if a gun was immediately placed on the table I’m sitting at I don’t think I’d shoot myself, but only six to eight weeks ago I wouldn’t have hesitated. Progress my friends.
Thursday, March 1, 2018
K Minus Seroquel
It has been a week since I took 30 200mg tablets of Seroquel – 6g for those of you with my maths skills. I hoped for at least 24 hours unconscious, but I got less than 12. As usual I made sure they were spent in hospital, I’m not stupid enough to let my housemates find me like that. I lost a lot of housemates in my 20s through frequent overdoses, although I think even then I got myself to hospital. Anyway, I digress. Since returning home I haven’t taken any Seroquel, my daily dose was 200mg plus another 200mg if I needed it. I dared not take it on Friday night as the huge dose from the previous night was still very much in my system, same Saturday night. By Sunday I was functioning normally again, no slurred speech, no tremor, I could see and hold a cup of tea without spilling it all over the table. I thought maybe if it’s slowly come out of me I could continue just letting it leave my system and not return to my usual dose. Monday was the first real test, I thought by then the overdose would have worked its way out of me and I’d be running on empty. Well, I got to sleep and I haven’t done anything wild. I am on many other drugs, but Seroquel really controls you.
Since Friday I’ve lost 4kg, I’m hardly ever hungry and I can’t quite explain the feeling, just different. I think being off Seroquel is going to be very good for me. It drastically slows the metabolism and makes you ravenous all the time, hence the 50kg I’ve gained since starting it. Together with my gym visits three times a week I may get back to a size I’m not repulsed by.
I have a lot more to share with you but I’m going to leave it for another post.
Good Evening.
Sunday, February 11, 2018
No Deadly Lamictal Rash Yet
This is what
it is currently taking to keep me alive and kicking – well forget the kicking,
it’s more of a dawdle between necessary places.
Currently 50mg
Lamictal – dose is being raised a bit every 10 days
2000IU Vitamin
2 puffs Seretide 500/50
2 puffs Seretide 500/50
10mg Neulactil
15mg Imovane
2 puffs Seretide 500/50
2 puffs Seretide 500/50
PRN (when needed):
2mg Xanax
I’m in
hospital at the moment, it’s been 12 days. I’m planning to discharge on Tuesday
as I’m getting nowhere and I don’t see how my current state of mind will be any
different depending on my location. I can sedate myself more at home, so that’s
a bonus. I came in because my anxiety was crippling, it’s still bad but I think
I can cope. My mood is low as always, the Lamictal is supposed to help that
once I’m up to treatment dose. If the Lamictal fails I’ll be put on an
antidepressant I haven’t previously been on – the list is growing short.
I can’t
explain in words how over all this I am.
Friday, January 19, 2018
One of Two
I have expressed fervently my desire not to go down the deep brain stimulation route but the spectre is looming. I met with my psychiatrist today and again he subtly hinted at it, acknowledging my disgust at the idea but at the same time nudging towards it.
On Wednesday I returned home from a week in hospital during which time I had 10 sessions of TMS, with no obvious result. My anxiety is sky high and mood at about a 3/10. I took my discharge medications to my pharmacy this afternoon, the 89 pills of 10mg Neulactil being a strong pull. I think now I don’t have enough of anything to make for a decent overdose, I’d probably get a few hours sleep out of it but I’d rather have several days unconscious. As I try new and old medications to no avail, 100+ sessions of ECT, and TMS and their effect ceases to mend me I’m travelling closer and closer to the final options of deep brain stimulation or suicide. I’d much rather be dead than have my head opened up and meddled with. Please God, send a gunman into the house as I sleep tonight with a mission to kill me and only me, may he be given a medal for extreme kindness to the mentally ill.
My anxiety wasn’t helped by arriving home to completely different dynamics. I knew our new housemate, A, was moving in but I forgot that with every change in housemates there are changes about the house, however minor. I guess it was just unsettling to come home to the lounge re-arranged, a pot plant in a new spot and new stuff in the bathroom. I like A but it would have been a better transition for me if I was here during the move and her first few days in the house. A good thing is that she’s a student, which means sometimes I’ll have company during the day instead of the complete isolation I usually contend with.
I haven’t done any work on my novel since last year. There are two very different directions I can choose to take it in. I’ve written a prelude and a chapter down one path but I think it’s the other I want to take. Decide K!
That’s all for today, my anxiety is causing dizziness and my brain is struggling to think of anything to interest you.
Good Evening.
Friday, January 5, 2018
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Squish! |
I’m currently eating my second Oreo McFlurry with extra Oreo in two days. Can I suggest to any visitors to bring me one as a sacrifice when you come over in order to have the best chance at meeting a not insanely depressed K. This is the second thing I’ve eaten today, the first was my breakfast, one piece of toast and one egg.
Today my mood has been a 2 out of 10 and anxiety 8 out of 10 (for mood low is bad and for anxiety high is bad) I’m definitely ready for the TMS top up I’m getting next week. I feel like crying all my moisture out and then freezing it in a cocoon and sleeping in it until I go back into the clinic on Wednesday.
Over the last 10 days I’ve been experiencing psychotic symptoms, but despite being clearly psychotic in nature, my psychiatrist, whom I saw only this afternoon, says they are not actually psychosis. I don’t know what else to call hearing things, feeling my body floating and seeing something clearly but it being wrong. Whatever! At least I don’t have another diagnosis to add to the bag.
I wish I wasn’t such a fucking coward and I could just take our biggest knife and stab right through my throat and enjoy the pain as a last salute to the world.
On an entirely different topic, let me know if you would like an extra body at your Christmas this year. After ours going all wrong Mum said she’s not doing it again and to find a friend to spend the day with.
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