Two days short of 11 weeks, that's how long I've been in the hospital, and it's not likely to end very soon. I've started a new drug called Parnate, well new to me, it's about 50 years-old. It's a MAOI - Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor - which comes with a fun diet of things I can't eat. I'm still on an introductory dose, so can't be expecting any miracle mood boost yet. A good thing about it being an old drug is that it's on the PBS, which will help me save money to put toward the UK trip in August/September. I can't imagine still being in here in August, so it's probably safe to let Mum organise the trip with me in the plans. Our family are mostly in Manchester, but we have two in Edinburgh. Mum and I will go to Edinburgh; I'm definitely going up to the Highlands but not sure if that will be alone. I'm also hoping to go to London (and Harry Potter World) and while I'm there why not skip across the channel to France. I think London and Paris will be done alone.
I feel awful at the moment, I've been getting what my Dr called "tactile hallucinations" when I saw him today. It works so that I feel depressed and agitated and then I'll feel myself stabbing my leg, or biting a chunk out of my arm, feel the blood trickling down from the wound. It's lots of fun! Today it's been slitting my throat; the most protective thing about being in here is that if you do anything stupid they call an ambulance and send you off to a nearby hospital with a horrible, horrible psychiatric department; I've promised myself I'm never going there again.
Sorry, I feel too bad to write, I'm ending it here.
Have a good weekend.