Monday, June 27, 2016


If you read my last post you'd know we were expecting a new housemate, V. Well she decided to move elsewhere, but God seems to provide for this house, good housemates have always come along when needed. Within half an hour of R putting a note on Facebook and me on Gumtree we had two replies, both from Christians. We met both, and both would have worked but we went with S as he has lived with R in the past and we all gelled really well. He's been here about three weeks now and he's a pleasure to live with.

Things are really weird at the moment with my illnesses. I ended up not coming off the Dexamphetamine, instead we actually increased the dose. I seem to be okay. Every few hours I get a strong urge to cut or suicide but I never even get up to go towards acting on them. The constant emotional pain is gone and I don't know what to do; it's been my companion for seven years. I find myself hoping for its return because I don't know how to be well. Let's not go too far though, I'm not happy, just not on the brink of tears and feeling terrified of myself constantly. There's this feeling of unjustified uselessness; I feel lazy because I've not been terrible for about 12 weeks, so I feel there's no excuse for the life I'm living, or not living. I must remember it's taking 8 different medications to keep me in this state and it's still not good, just not bad. I'm only awake for about 11 hours a day. Somehow it still feels like I have more time on my hands, maybe because I'm not usually having naps and taking sedatives during the day. I don't like the extra time, I'm not up to working and no one is free on weekdays. I've been spending a lot of time watching Netflix, reading and when I can muster up the courage doing a little work on my novel.

I haven't forgotten what it's like to feel like death is the only option, or that I don't deserve to have skin, but I now feel like if I were to kill myself it would be my own action rather than something I was forced to do by my illness. The difference between a cancer victim dying from their illness or from voluntary euthanasia, both ways they died, only one can they be held accountable for. Why I would wish for those feelings back I don't know, maybe so I can end things without guilt or fear, maybe just because this okay time is so foreign to me. I don't know.